Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Morning Lesson

There are 3 types of jerks in the world:
1. The whiny - one who always complains about everything in their lives
2. The bully - sucks the energy out of the room as soon as they walk in
3. The hard of hearing - doesn't listen to what YOU have to say, but just wants to talk about themselves

Ways to deal with jerks:
1. Ignore them - eventually they will find somebody else to bug
2. Don't make eye contact (they might think you want to talk to them)
3. Back away from them (definately DO NOT greet them with a hug, they might think you are inviting them to talk to you)
4. Tell them the truth - most likely nobody has told them that what they are doing is wrong, so don't be too confrontational, but let them know that what they are doing is rude.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Quick Recap

Since last year I have passed my first year exam, finished work with roaches and presented on insect respiration for the first time ever at SICB. Damn scary work and I can't believe I am still here. Fortunately things are getting better instead of always being scary.

I broke down and cried in lab during the early weeks of fall....and decided that I really needed to stop being so nervous around my advisor. So we met once a week and talked and now I can actually look at him in the face when he talks to me. I still wish I could contribute more to our talks, but I am working on that.

I started MedSchool Physiology last quarter as well, and got a horrible score on the first exam and quiz. This quarter I planned to be more prepared....but did bad on my first quiz and my second exam is in 2 weeks. I am writing on this here blog instead of reading, so I might have an inclination on how things will go then.

I've been to Miami twice.....used up lots of money and time.......and I'm planning to go back again in the summer. I want to do some frog work out there and maybe even collect some insects.......We'll see.

I tried to finish my thesis last quarter and got everyone in my committee to sign off on it, but graduate studies blocked me at the end. So this quarter i am once again enrolled in two universities and hopefully can get this out of the way. Im still waiting to set a date for my defense.


Plus I'm taking salsa classes.